Friday, August 25, 2006

Give me your ball...

'Give me your ball. Give me your ball and I'll throw it' was what the young fella walking past our house last night thought I was saying to him.

Because there is a hedge separating the garden from the road and because it is five foot tall, the fella did not notice the little doggie playing with a squeaky ball below him in the garden.

No, he only saw me sitting at the front step and so he smiled at me before moving [swiftly] onwards.

Thought I would share that embarassing moment with you while checking out Blogger beta which I was able to upgrade to last night. I have lost most of my buttons and links, but I saved a copy of my old template so I still have them. The only trouble is you cannot edit the template html yet which is a pain in the a*se. Though it says this will be available in the future.

But hopefully all the interface thingies are easy enough to use. I think I'll be springcleaning the site all weekend.

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