Monday, April 09, 2007

A new visitor - Say hiya to Nanny everyone

I HAVE recently had a new visitor here, someone who I have told to stop by long before now but who never did until recently.

Despite calling my Mum or Nanny, a techno-techno-technophobe, not only has she been stopping by but she managed to comment here on my video of the doggie. Nanny's legs feature near the end of the video as she was the one giving the doggie treats to get her to roll over, obviously the doggie rolls over not Nanny. Ach watch the video on the link and find out for yourself.

So everyone wave hello to Nanny. Hiya Nanny. You know you have a category here all your own, though I think they mostly involve the tidying of the room for your arrival

Mmhh maybe like Ellybabes I can encourage Nanny to blog, the Young Wan has one half-started and exams and the ehm non-studying aside, I'd love her to continue. When it is up and running I'll let you all know.

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Irish Church Lady :) said...

Hiya Nanny! Welcome to blogland!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nanny!

Hope they're not running you ragged over there.

Much love from us.


Anonymous said...

hi irish church lady and anonymous, i ;ove coming home and it gives me an opportunity to spend time with honey, although my daughter (redmum) says i spoil her rotten i dont think i do. nanny

Candiru Ghost said...

I really enjoyed reading and looking at your blog,