Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday night

IT IS Saturday night and I am sitting here watching sh*te telly, that isn't much of a surprise. The Young Wan has her boyfriend over and Nanny and I are being tortured by the most awful music coming from her bedroom. Her bedroom is next to the living room and there is only a plaster board separating the two rooms, the music is playing in the bedroom like it would in the actual living room. I keep sending in the doggie to chaperone them but even she keeps running back into the living room because of the woeful tunes. Thank god for broadband.

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Ingrid said...

Poor mum ! Use ear plugs ! your description reminds me of old times lol ! the worst for me was listening to Bob Marley the whole day long ! Now I get a rash when I hear him again, lol !

I discovered you on "Topics from 192 countries" I am member since yesterday and posted today for Belgium. As you are also European, can you explain me a little bit how you do it and how often ? It seems quite interesting to me. I love when the whole world writes together !
Since I switched to "new" Blogger today I have difficulties to comment !

Boliath said...

You let her have the young fella in her bedroom!!!!

Oh god...

Red Mum said...

Boliath, you have been in my flat, there is no privacy, at all. The door is left open of course...