Monday, July 11, 2005

It's a beautiful day

IT was an absolutely glorious weekend here in Dublin, which is thankfully continuing today, it’s something like 30c in Kildare, I’m reliably told. Here are some pictures taken yesterday while relaxing with the young wan and Tetra after a hectic afternoon shopping.


Actually apart from the fact that I generally hate shopping, it was a lovely day cos everyone seems to have preferred to spend the day chilling in their gardens instead of hoofing it into town, so a pleasurable day all-round with no hectic crowds to contend with.

So we finished the afternoon with a freezing cold smoothie and a lie-down in a small green bit in town with lots happening around us.



Although the beautiful peace was shattered at one moment with the arrival of three Spanish students who had just been to the nearby touristy shop where they bought a tin whistle and proceeded to play it badly… But it makes for a nice picture of them watching the ping-pong game while the annoying one lies back playing his dreadful bum notes.





Doris said...

I'm glad you explained the Spanish students because I'd have sworn blind that was a mediteranean setting for the pics!

I love the pigeon marching along. I can almost seeing it do a Basil Fawlty funny walk about turn :-)

thordora said...

someday I hope to visit with the kids.

Fi said...

Isn't it great to be able to talk about the positive things in this city when the sun shines! I love all the positive energy it creates!

thordora said...

I love the hum of the electric wires. Always have...