Monday, April 10, 2006

Lazy blogging

I HAVE been a lazy-blogger recently, well that isn't really fair, things have been so busy I haven't been able to keep up here at all, hence the sheer amount of Red Mum columns in a row. Things have been so busy I haven't had time to post something I have already written.

Anyway hopefully things are starting to quieten down now and I can get back to blogging business as usual.

I also committed myself some weeks ago to take part in the Damien's blogger interview but I have been a dreadful procrastinator and up to now haven't followed through on it.
Paige has put me to shame with her fantastic and indepth interview with That Girl and following a gentle nudge from Damien, I have someone in mind, they have kindly agreed and have the questions (I am not going to try to match Paige's excellent contribution and instead introduce you to someone you might not know already) so hopefully I'll have that up over the next day or two.

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