Monday, March 09, 2009

Dublin from Liberty Hall - 365

THIS is the first pic posted taken with my new camera, a Nikon D700, a beautiful machine which I will post about using shortly (or should I say intend to post about). This was taken from the top of Liberty Hall using my new wide angle lens, drool. I am in love.


(Thursday, March 5th)


Anonymous said...

Lucy you! Lovely camera!

Anonymous said...

Very jealous (just the fact that you got a new camera, not the fact that it's a nikon ;))

Really love this photo!

Darren said...

Strange, my comment from yesterday never showed up.

Congrats on the new purchase. Not jealouse at all :P

Anonymous said...

Is that the Four Courts in the pic? Yeah, know what you mean, just got a Lumix with wide-angle lens, it does make a difference. Enjoy your new camera. Great pics.