Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Guest posting at Mulley.net

I JUST did a guest photoblog post for Damien. He's been asking different photobloggers to pick two favourite images and write about them. It's been a great series with Treasa, North Atlantic Skyline, Gingerpixel, Rymus, Lili and McAWilliams.

Guest Post

I kinda stretched my post a little and didn't pick my favourites or indeed two. But you can read it here. Thanks Damien :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Red,

I was wondering if you do me a favour, the name you used is misspelt it should be McAWilliams. If its possible to change it it would be great.

BTW going to link to you from my site lord knows where it went when I changed the site a bit!

Red Mum said...
