Tuesday, February 28, 2006

On the first day of Spring

ONE of the funniest thing which was pointed out to me lately was how people complain about the Irish weather.

Their line is that of course we have weather, we have wind, rain, snow, sunshine, cold, warm, we have weather.

Christmas Day shadows1Evening gridlock in the rain


The other O'Connell Bridge, St Stephen's Green, DublinTallaght cranes

How boring would it be if it was only sunshine? That is not weather that is sunshine.

Great. And while it would be lovely to be warm all the time, it is also lovely to have rain, snow, and sunshine on crisp winter days.

We just need to learn about wearing the right clothes.

So here’s one for weather, seeing as how it is the meteorological first day of spring, and here’s how you can have every bit of weather in one day in Ireland.

These pics, the first I posted earlier, were all taken within two and a half hours of each other. Don’t you just love weather?

Not enough snow for a snow ball


And on days and evenings like this, this is the best way to end the day.

Perfect Evening

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Curly K said...

Its so true that Irish people talk and complain incessantly about the weather. Personally, I don't mind snow, frost, rain; anything in fact, except really dark days. I absolutely hate them.

Your photos are fantastic!

Anonymous said...

an irelander has recommended your blog to me...

i always thought weather complaints was actually more of an english thing? then again, have never been to Ireland despite some exposure to them here in London :-)

i'm afriad I join the ranks of moaners. i come from a tropical country you see, so it's justified, and have tried the layers of clothing route and acclimatising, but 12 years on, very little progress.

though I love and appreciate the beauty weather brings. just wished I was numb to the cold.

JL Pagano said...

Hmmm...some blokes may disagree with your "perfect way to end the day" and substitute a telly with footie for the fire and a tin of heineken to replace the vino... ;-)

Paul O'Mahony (Cork) said...

I can't remember who said it first:

there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.

The english do indeed talk a lot about the weather: it's a good safe subject with which to begin a conversation. They go out of their way to avoid giving offence and they believe you can't offend anyone by saying something about the weather. They would never dream of asking you what you did for a living, or how much you earned or what you did last night.

Anonymous said...

It was billy conolly. Any Red Mum I can concure that weather is nice. Come the end of March We will have seen the last of the rain untill October or November. Between we will have mostly sunny days some will be very sunny and hot others will be very hot and Humid.

the only good thing thought is that you can decide to BBQ with the knowledge that it wont rain.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are brilliant!
I totally agree with what you say. All we gotta do is dress better. The weather lately has been crazy; snow, sun, rain, hail etc. But I have enjoyed every minute of it!