Friday, November 04, 2005

Belfast celebrates CS Lewis

"Belfast launches C.S. Lewis festival" it’s the first ever festival and about time too.


I loved his books when I was growing up, absolutely loved them and was delighted and thrilled to learn that like me he was from Belfast.


And I was always so vexed that no wardrobe I ever came across did that.

I would have loved to hear Anthony Hopkins take on a Belfast accent for Shadowlands, sadly it wasn't to be. Oh how I cried at the end of that movie when CS Lewis sat in front of the wardrobe with his lover's son after she died saying that he missed her.

You grow up knowing about Belfast people doing all sorts of amazing things such as the guy who died the chariot race in Ben Hur, or the fact that Errol Flynn's father taught in Queen's University and that Errol would stay in the family house in Stranmillis. As you drive past Strandmillis College, you can see the house.

Apparently Errol had scribbled some unsavoury remarks about a Hollywood leading lady on a wardrobe in the house (in keeping with the wardrobe theme).

We are very proud of our Belfast brothers and sisters. Well if you do not pat yourself on the back, who will?

Belfast Abu!

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Fi said...

Are you excited about the Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe film due out soon too? Naturally being a freak I am! I loved the Chronicles of Narnia as a child I read them every year for years on end!

Red Mum said...

It will be interesting to see it, I remember a great TV adaptation years ago which was good, but the main excitement in our house is over the latest Harry Potter movie, can't wait!